We are committed to providing excellent service and support to all our customers. However, if you are not satisfied with the service provided or if our support team has not been helpful, we encourage you to raise a complaint so we can address your concerns promptly and effectively.
If you are unhappy with our service, please follow these steps to raise a complaint:
Once we receive your complaint, we will acknowledge receipt and provide an initial response within 48 hours.
This initial response may include:
We aim to resolve all complaints as quickly as possible. However, a thorough investigation may take some time. We will provide you with a full response within 15 days of your complaint being acknowledged, In rare cases, for reasons beyond our control, we will take up to 35 days after receiving the complaint. This response will include:
If you are not satisfied with our final response, you may request a further review of your complaint. This request should be made within 14 days of receiving our full response. We will conduct an additional review and provide a final decision within 2 weeks of your request.
If at any point you feel that your complaint has not been handled satisfactorily, you can escalate your complaint to our compliance team compliance@moneysuite.co.uk.
We value your feedback and are committed to continually improving our services. Your complaints help us identify areas for improvement and ensure that we meet your expectations in the future.